Sunday, June 7, 2009


Mountain Lions in Maine, hogwash is what most folks report. Well Mike, Snook and I will tell you different. Over the years we have seen these large cats, from Burlington to Alligator. In fact on my web site, I have a place for folks to report seeing a large cat. There are reports of wardens seeing the cats. This time of year, what few lions we mostly likely have in Maine are either tending kittens or breeding. I doubt we have more than a hand full of cats roaming the state, but is nice to know they are here.

Gold Panning

It is time to bring out the gold equipment again. I have a sluice, pans, pots and gear ready to go. One thing is certain Zach and crew love panning for gold. While we haven't found any yet, they get to play in water and what kid doesn't want to play in water all day long. From time to time to do find special rocks or tid bits that are always lugged home for show. It is suggested to make sure you find a fast moving stream, some bedrock, quartz, black sand and then go in search of those few specks that might exist. It is highly unlikely you will find the mother lode, but who knows. Just think, back a 100 years, all the payroll monies that were sent up St. Croix, Machias, Penobscot and Union to name a few. This was done by foot, and then paid to the men at camp. As they came down stream, be sure a few pockets had holes or packs were lost. Who would tell you that the bottles those men drank from could now be worth thousands of dollars. There is so much history out there in our great state, that a day of exploring always pays off with something.

The Boys

What a crew cleaning the mess at camp, Chris, Brooke, Hunter, Zach and KK. Besides swimming a lot of time was spent fishing for walter (the monster trout). However it was not to happen this weekend no fish were taken at Jellison Hill.