Thursday, September 9, 2010

Solar Lighting

While I am not going "green", I have found a nice solution to some age old problems. Like no lighting in the outhouse or wood shed, no lighting in the run in at the pasture and most important no lighting around the tent at night so the kids don't trip on the tent ropes.

Solar lighting - you get a panel and three lights with pegs and mounts. You just drive them in the ground camping or mount on the outhouse. In fact I mounted two panels, size of a sheet of paper and six lights at camp. At 90 degrees outside, it was so nice not to run the gas lights and the extra heat generated by them. These lights are LED and very very bright, enough to read and cook by.

Then I purchased a single Westinghouse spot solar with built in panel. I leave it out during the day and have been using during bear season to get clients and track. Ready for this it goes all night and is as bright as a flashlight for tracking or seeing in the woods. It keeps going and going.

These lights are available at most all stores, like Lowes, Home Depot, Aubuchons, Wal Mart, but the best pricing by far has been at K Mart and the good thing, if not in the store you can have shipped to store from their web site. The bad news is they are not made in America.

I have done a little testing with the LED's, they store the sun power with three, 1.5 volt rechargeable batteries. So I cut and spliced a few wire, installed them with a six volt battery and switches to rooms in the camp....wonderful and no power or maintenance costs. They also work great with RV's or outdoor functions.

The pricing is great $17 buck for panel and three lights, they also have 50 string white LED for about the same price to decorate the truck, camp site or bear bait. Know how the shadows and such creep in on the bait, it is legal to use a light during legal shooting hours, install a solar spot on a tree and the bait becomes alive in low lighting conditions.

Only wish I had a portable solar charger for the truck last week at the Machias, it was a long walk out to get phone service. This is better than JC Whitney

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